stillness is the key

By Ryan Holiday

Ryan’s book “Stillness is the Key” really struck a chord with me. There have been times when I felt like everything was moving fast or there were too many things happening and I just want to get away from it all. Ryan Holiday talks about how finding calmness and peace during our busy moments can help us think clearer and help us to make better decisions, and live happier lives.

Stillness according to the Holiday is a state of mind so it is not necessarily talking about physically not moving but the ability to have a calm mind during those moments when things are moving too fast or too many things are happening, especially when things become chaotic.

If we are not careful, we can get stuck in the mad rushes of life and many distractions from what really matters to us which results in us making bad decisions in life. Stillness helps us to avoid making bad decisions in life or to be stuck in the rush without any true goal.

Holiday breaks down the idea of stillness by introducing three parts or areas, all of which focuses on our state of mind and how it affects the choices we make and contentment and understanding of life and what matters the most to us. He also mentioned the importance of how the state of mind connects to our bodies and how we can also do physical things that lead to this stillness.

Ryan Holiday always shares real life stories that bring out the ideas in his books and he did not disappoint here when he shared the story of an athlete who used calmness to get into the zone which contributed to their successful athletic career.

The book goes on to speak about ways we can find stillness. You will be surprised at how simple and effective these ways are so, make sure you get your copy of the book Stillness is the Key.

If you are a student, you may realize the challenge of managing distractions to your studies from friends, family, hobbies, job prospects. With so much going on, things can feel overwhelming sometimes. "Stillness is the Key" is like a guide on how to find those peaceful moments when you are faced with many distractions.

In closing I would like to say that life can be like a roller coaster. But imagine how better it would be if, whenever you wanted, you could slow that roller coaster down and enjoy the view. That's what stillness can do for you. It doesn't mean life becomes less fun or exciting. Instead, it's about enjoying every moment, understanding yourself better, and just being more 'you'.